Tuhu Nugraha

Principal - Indonesia Applied Digital Economy & Regulatory Network | Digital Business & Metaverse Consultant, Self-Employed

Innovation, AI/ML & Technology | Blockchain, Web 3.0, Digital Transformation

Tuhu Nugraha


With over 3,000 hours of speaking experience, Tuhu Nugraha is  a highly sought-after speaker at international events in cities like Singapore, Istanbul, Riyadh, and Dubai. His Influence extends beyond the stage - he is also an experienced trainer, consultant, and writer. Tuhu Nugraha also consistently contributes to both local and international publications, including Detik, Liputan6, Investor Daily, and Modern Diplomacy. His consistent writing on emerging technologies in developing countries has earned him a place on the board of advisors at Modern Diplomacy. Through these diverse platforms, he continues to shape the discourse on AI, blockchain, and the digital economy globally, since he is the Principal of Indonesia Applied Digital Economy & Regulatory Network (IADERN).